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  • Writer's pictureDulani Anupama

English literature

Twiliht of a crane

Discuss money as the corrupting agent in the play 'Twilight of a crane'

Answer in the plural form

*People degenerate due to their greed over money

*An envious attitude emerges in sodo and Unzu when they find Tsa and yohyo live happily.

"That lazy fellow has been coining money without lifting a finger over"

*Sodo and unzu recognize the cloth as "sonboor".

*Even Sodo and Unzu are not genuine with each other .

*Unzu is scared when he comes to know Tsa is really a ghost of a crone ,as he has cheated yohyo in business.

*The desire for money makes the two friend corrupted.

*The evil poir entices yohyo and he start vacillating between love and money.

*Yohyo is persuaded into threatering her in care if she refuses to weave another piece of cloth and Yohyo undergoes a transformation and is no longer a laving " I'll leave unless you weave the cloth"

*Sodo never feels pity and sympathy.

*Yohyo feels devastated as Tas leave her forever.

*He is left alone with money,but not love.

Innocence Vs Corruption

innocence is symbolized through the characters of tsu , yohyo , and children

Their attitude towards life is simple and they are contented with only spiritual happiness.

" I'd like to live with you in this house peacefully and quietly."

Their value system differs from that of the mercenary merchants who are symbolis of commercialized life and corruption.

The evil couple is extremely callous and hypocritical .

" stop you foolish bastard ! we are in the by business of money making"

Firm stand for originality and identity

Tsu secures her identity and originality by leaving the human world since she cannot cope up with their value system.

"You are moving to the world where I can never live , you are casting your lot with those malicious ,terrible people who shot we with an arrow.

Created by Miss Nilusha .

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